How can I activate my students? How do I make text work interesting? And what is the best exam? You will learn all this in the university didactics workshops.
Service-Center for Good Teaching and Learning (SeLL)
Service-Center for Good Teaching and Learning (SeLL)
University didactics is an essential component in the advancement of teaching. It provides additional education, guidance, information, and opportunities for teachers from all faculties to plan and design courses, modules, and study programs in a learner-centered manner.
Furthermore, we actively participate in the development and execution of strategic incentive systems, including funding opportunities and teaching awards.
For further details, please refer to the information provided in the infoboxes below. Kindly note that all linked websites are in German.
- Natalie Böddicker
- Geschäftsführerin SeLL
- +49 211 81-11546
- Building: 16.11
- Floor/Room: 04.30